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Brain Agility | overcoming learning difficulties, children, bayside, therapy

Brain Agility provides supportive, interactive development programs for children with learning, attention, and movement difficulties.

Brain Agility | overcoming learning difficulties, children, bayside, therapy

Brain Agility provides supportive, interactive development programs for children with learning, attention, and movement difficulties.

Is your child struggling with reading, writing, or learning at school?
Is your child uncoordinated?
Did your child struggle to learn to ride a bike?
Does your child suffer from visual or auditory processing difficulties?
Have you tried tutoring but not yet received the results you want?
Are you seeking science-based, drug-free solutions to support healthy brain activity?
Do you want to rebuild and create new brain pathways to enhance physical performance?
Is your child struggling with reading, writing, or learning at school?
Is your child uncoordinated?
Did your child struggle to learn to ride a bike?
Does your child suffer from visual or auditory processing difficulties?
Have you tried tutoring but not yet received the results you want?
Are you seeking science-based, drug-free solutions to support healthy brain activity?
Do you want to rebuild and create new brain pathways to enhance physical performance?

Neuroplasticity is our brain’s ability to rewire and create new connections. This process helps us learn, adapt, evolve, store and recall information and sometimes recover from trauma.

I use established movement programs and Interactive Metronome® to help build stronger brain pathways. These programs are particularly effective for children and teenagers as their brains are still growing.

By rewiring and strengthening our brains through movement exercises and technology, we can train our brain to perform better!

Brain Agility | uild brain pathways to improve learning and attention difficulties

Neuroplasticity is our brain’s ability to rewire and create new connections. This process helps us learn, adapt, evolve, store and recall information and sometimes recover from trauma.

I use established movement programs and Interactive Metronome® to help build stronger brain pathways. These programs are particularly effective for children and teenagers as their brains are still growing.

By rewiring and strengthening our brains through movement exercises and technology, we can train our brain to perform better!

Brain Agility | uild brain pathways to improve learning and attention difficulties
‘My vision is to help people create enhanced brain pathways that lead to improved brain synchronization, promoting better learning, attention, and coordination.’

Jenny Cameron, Founder and Learning Coach

Brain Agility | overcoming learning difficulties

Brain Agility assessments identify weaker areas of brain communication that can contribute to delayed learning and responses.

By working on movements, coordination techniques, tailored reflex integration exercises and and Interactive Metronome® programs, we create stronger neurological pathways that significantly improve physical and mental outcomes.

Brain Agility assessments identify weaker areas of brain communication that can contribute to delayed learning and responses.

By working on movements, coordination techniques, tailored reflex integration exercises and and Interactive Metronome® programs, we create stronger neurological pathways that significantly improve physical and mental outcomes.

Brain Agility | overcoming learning difficulties

Want to know more?

Interactive Metronome® is a proven resource to support children with:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD)
  • Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Dyslexia

Research from around the world, highlights children with learning difficulties or those of varying abilities, often had some form of delay in their gross motor milestones as a baby or toddler.

For vision and auditory processing challenges, my programs help young people with their ability to stay attentive and focused on tasks as well as improve their balance (vestibular systems), sensory processing and eye movements.

My Programs
