Programs Brain Agility provides brain and movement exercise programs designed to improve brain and body connections, improve learning, attention and coordination.
Neuroplasticity (brainplasticity) is where we create new neural pathways, this occurs throughout our life, at all ages.
Our Progams
Interactive Metronome® Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based computer training resource proven to improve cognition, focus, attention, memory, executive function, reading and comprehension.
Interactive Metronome® is a worldwide, proven resource to support children with:
Some children experience reading difficulties due to slower visual brain processing because of the time it takes to process information from the brain to the eyes to the ears. Furthermore, words and pictures can get lost in the process as other messages are received.
IM is fantastic for improving brain processing speed and helping children to read!
Neuro Developmental Movement Program I provide exercises to assist the development of bilateral integration and body awareness that improves communication and integration across the left and right sides of the brain.
By working on key motor movements and integrating reflexes we build stronger brain pathways. We look at the bilateral integration of the brain, this is when both sides of the brain are working effectively, at the same time and in a controlled way. We provide movement exercises to build right and left brain communication.
Brain Agility helps young people have an enriched sense of purpose, identity and confidence to strive for future success.
Retained Reflex Integration Retained reflexes are often the missing link in learning, attention, vision and movement challenges.
One such reflex is called asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR), which affects muscles and one-sided movements and hand and eye coordination. If this reflex doesn’t integrate properly, it can be linked to coordination difficulties as a child gets older and reading difficulties.
Reflexes also support the development of the neuro sensory motor system. My programs are designed to identify these reflexes that need assistance and create a tailored program that help re-train the reflexes to improve quality of life.
The good news is we can do this at any age and any time!